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The only thing you can do is use SSL to defend against prying eyes (your ISP or anyone with access to the network who can sniff the traffic).Transmitting data via body / querystring / headers is completely fine, as long as it over secure (encrypted) channel so only client and server (sender and recipient) are capable of speaking to one another without prying eyes sticking their nose in.That still means that client can read what is being sent or any other person who sits in front of client software and is capable of making sense of http. For example, inspecting network traffic in Chrome network tab will still show human readable data being sent over.There are no headers you canada goose uk harrods can send to make it «more secure».Years ago SSL Heartbleed was discovered. I sure TLS has some vulnerability Canada Goose Online out there or a determined organization will eventually run a Quantum computer on a bunch of captured HTTP(S) streams.Granted sending over SSL/TLS/HTTPS is better than not.

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But what bothers me the most is it so fucking obvious what happened at that Trump Tower meeting; they made a quid pro quo for Russian help in exchange for lifting sanctions. The Jr emails and the subsequent cover up story couldn illustrate that fact any clearer. Yet due to the lack of indictment and clarity about why there were no indictment means we all have to go around pretending there some innocent explanation that nobody gets to know about and we all just have to accept..

I might be biased because of where I from, but I definitely make time for the Lake District if the landscape is what you are really into. There loads of fantastic walks on the rare occasions when it isn raining. Feel free to give me a shout for tips about the far North West or North East of England.

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