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Convenience systems killed social interactions.I remember during days of vanilla WoW 90% of my interactions with other players occurred either when I needed help or when I helped others. Hard mob? Ask for help, somebody comes by, strike a conversation. Trying to get somewhere? No teleporting, plenty of running, and you stumble upon somebody about to die to a mob.

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What exactly in your daily life has drastically changed under President Trump. Seems about exactly the same as Obama and exactly the same as Bush. Trump has inherited alot of hard choices for the nation regarding our interaction with climate change refugees, and a growing agitation world wide as the rest of the planet figures out what to do with recourse constriction and increased demand.

Also wtf is with these stories anyways? Like they hit the news before we even hear both sides. Is that peoples first reaction now? To call the news when literally anything anywhere happens? I guess the news will report on anything now for clicks. Like tbh this really is some local town gossip, not «BREAKING NATIONAL NEWS!!».

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