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Its no suprise to me that Barr came to the conclusions that he did. Hell, he pretty much announced it to the country when Fox aired his position, prior to being appointed to AG. What does suprise me is the lack of public uproar over it all. It absolutely does mean that. You know it does. Even if someone is wanted for a dozen murders in El Salvador, if they get stopped in a traffic stop in a sanctuary city, their immigration status won get checked.

Iron the flap. Line the closure up on the inside of the back pocket in the 1/2 inch opening and sew the closure fabric to the back pocket. I sewed two lines across the back for stronger reinforcement. Yes, but you implying that 1/3 of the country wants another 1/3 executed while the rest are willing to watch. I say that very far fetched. But if you were just being Canada Goose Parka extremely edgy for the sake of an argument I can ignore that and agree that we are definitely slipping as a nation into I wouldn call fascist, but an extremely divided country thanks to the jackasses putting up with the bullshit on the right.

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